Coach's Board - Two Sizes

Product image 1Coach's Board - Two Sizes cjr-hockey-shop
Product image 2Coach's Board - Two Sizes cjr-hockey-shop
Product image 3Coach's Board - Two Sizes cjr-hockey-shop
Product image 4Coach's Board - Two Sizes cjr-hockey-shop

Regular price $45.00


Now coming in a more travel-friendly size is the Howies Small Coach's Board. From x's and o's to creating the play that saves the game, this Coach's Board goes with you wherever you go. Coming with the same marker and textile eraser that the Large Coach's Board features, this 10" x 16" Coach's Board offers the same quality but in a more compact style and a lightweight and easy to carry design, perfect for you or your coach.

  • 10" x 16"
  • Textile eraser
  • Dry-erase marker
  • 2 writeable sides



Some people dream of sugarplums – Coaches dream in x’s and o’s.  From scheming up forechecks to drawing up an ironclad defense, the Howies Hockey Coach's Board helps those dreams come to life. Howies Coach's Board comes with a dry-erase marker, textile eraser, and suction cups to make sure your board can go high on the glass for the team to see. The perfect board for you or the coach in your life. 

  • 15" x 24"
  • Suction Cups
  • Textile eraser
  • Dry-erase marker
  • 2 writeable sides
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